Excess Marine Liabilities/Bumbershoot
Additional limits can be provided as follow form excess or bumbershoot in excess of marine and non-marine underlying policies.
The excess marine liability policy is written over the primary policy to increase limits but is on a follow form basis so no coverage is broadened.
The bumbershoot policy is written over both marine and non-marine policies – comprehensive marine liability, various specialty marine liabilities e.g. ship repairers legal liability, protection and indemnity, business auto, employers liability etc.
The Bumbershoot policy provides:
- Excess limits when the limits of scheduled underlying liability policies are exhausted by the payment of claims.
- Drop down coverage when the underlying policy’s aggregate limit is exhausted by the payment of claims.
- Protection from some claims not covered by the underlying policies, subject to the assumption of a self-insured retention (SIR).
Limits available up to $100,000,000
Contact ISR today to help you write and retain more of your Excess and Bumbershoot business.